perhaps you want to expand your business and grow revenue streams by offering hair,Wig & scalp services in your salon/barbers or mabye you want to upskill yourself and become a specialist in hair,scalp & wig therapy
Success storys
Since starting this course in 2019, We have helped over 400 Irish salons specialize in Hair,Scalp & Wig Therapy which allowed them to boost their revenue in all aspects of their business.
Countless times over the space of my career have I wanted to offer scalp services in my salon, although I always had to invest a lot of money. We know there is tricologists out there, but we don’t have to be tricologists.
With this course, you will learn how to care for that one lady/gent, that one client who needs that extra bit of care, without having to buy lots of wigs and invests lots of money.
Learn how to make custom pieces and wigs & how to care for that client to make that burden easier in any way we can.
expand your knowledge
As Hairdressers/Barbers, We are always giving fabulous cuts & colours, but where sometimes we lack the knowledge in these specialized areas where our clients need us the most.
Take the first step in upskilling yourself & your staff in Hair,Scalp & Wig Therapy and offer specialized care and services for that one client that needs it.